Wise Church Of Christ

Location Of The Building Assemblies Of The Church
Know Your Bible Mail-Out Bulletin Read About Bible Topics
Know Your Bible E-Mail Bulletin Truth and Error
Radio and TV programs Audio Sermons

About this page:

The church of Christ in Wise, VA patterns itself after the Lord's church revealed in the New Testament. Christ is its only head (Ephesians 5:23). The New Testament is its only creed (2 Tim. 3:16,17). We urge you to use any of the material available on this website and examine everything in the light of what the Scriptures teach (1 Timothy 3:15) . Please feel free to email us if there is any Bible question you might have or if you have a question about any of the free material we have to offer. Also, if you live or are in our area, we hope you will visit with us at any and all of the services of the church.



When you come to our building at 112 Roberts Avenue in Wise, VA., you will
enter into the foyer where we have numerous tracts and
publications that you are free to take with you to read.
In the auditorium there are rows of pews for those who gather to
worship. Feel free to sit wherever you choose. There are no reserved seats.


In the bookrack in front of you there is a song book for your use.
The song leader will announce the songs so that we may all sing together.
One of the unique things about us that may seem strange to some people
is that the music is "a cappella." That is, we sing without the use of mechanical music.
This is not just a preference with us but is a conviction based on the Scriptures and the
practice of the early Christians ( Ephesians 5:19 ; Colossians 3:16 ).
Some people may consider us to be "narrow" on this. However, we are striving to please God,
not men ( Galatians 1:10 ). We're sure that you will find the singing meaningful,
with everyone being invited to participate.


There will be prayers during the service. One man will be leading the congregation
in prayer while the rest of us participate by listening and following along, silently joining
in ( 1 Corinthians 14:40 ). This is our way, as a congregation, of carrying out God's commandment
and exercising our right as Christians to thank Him for His blessings and to request His guidance and help.


You will notice that the preacher doesn't have a title. He will not be referred to as
"Pastor" or "Reverend". He will be referred to as "mister" or "brother", or perhaps,
just called by his first name. He won't be wearing a robe, or any of the "ecclesiastical garments"
which would set him apart from other Christians. The reason for this is that the New Testament
teaches that all are equal in the priesthood of all believers ( 1 Peter 2:5-9 ).
The sermon will likely be about 45 minutes. It will be according to the Bible. You are always
invited to ask questions or comment on anything you do not understand.


At the close of the sermon, the preacher will "extend an invitation." This is simply an opportunity
to invite those who are convinced to take whatever steps they need to make themselves right with God.
A person who is not a Christian may request to be baptized, or a Christian may come forward to confess a sin,
or ask for prayers. If any respond to be baptized, they will be immersed in water for the remission of
sins ( Acts 2:38 ; Romans 6:3,4 ). You will not be singled out in any way.


If you visit on Sunday, the Lord's Supper will be included in the worship service. Again, the reason is
that we are following the New Testament pattern. The early church did this on the "first day of the week" ( Acts 20:7 ).


If you visit on Sunday, you will notice that a "free-will" offering will be collected from the members of this church.
According to the pattern of the New Testament ( 1 Corinthians 16:1,2 ),
this collection will not be taken on any other day of the week.
As our guest, you are not expected to make a contribution.
Feel perfectly comfortable to just pass the collection plate on down the row.


We invite you to read the Scriptures with us and consider what we say.
We would be happy to have you sing along with us as we praise God in song.
But if you'd rather not, just sit and observe.
We would like for you to fill out a Visitor's Card that we may have a record of your visit,
and allow us to write or call and express our appreciation, but if you are uncomfortable doing so,
feel free to decline this request.


Again, we are simply Christians, trying to pattern our lives and our worship
according to God's inspired word, the Bible.
We welcome you to come and visit with us, to investigate what we practice
and what we teach, and to compare what you see and hear with the Bible.

Below is a picture of the building at 112 Roberts Avenue where the church meets.

E-Mail Bulletin

We E-mail a free weekly bulletin. This bulletin contains articles
designed primarily for Christians. If you would like to receive the
E-mail bulletin, click on address:
and put "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.

Links To Other Churches' Websites:
Eastside Church Of Christ, Athens, AL
Pepper Road Church Of Christ, Athens, AL
East Albertville Church Of Christ, Albertville, AL
Lakeview Church Of Christ, Lake City, FL

Thank you for visiting this website. If you have any questions or comments concerning anything found on this web site feel free to email at wisechurch@mail.com (276)-321-7622

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This site created by Ruben Hall and maintained by E.R. Hall, Jr. ©2016.